Search results for DYSENTRY CO

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  Results for DYSENTRY CO in the remedy finder

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📖   Results for DYSENTRY CO in the Materia Medica:

Nash > Colubrina > General > general
...tom is found not in Constipation alone. It is always present in Dysentry. The stools, though very frequently Consisting of slimy mucus and blood, are very small and unsatisfactory. Dr.P.P. Wells pointed out the very reliable additional symptom for Nux vomica in Dysentry -that the pains were very greatly relieved for a short time after every stool. This is not so with Mercury, but the pain and tenesmus Continue after the stool, as it is sometimes well expressed as "a never-get-done" feeling. But it makes little difference whether the patient is afflicted with Constipation, Dysentry, diarrhoea or other diseases, if we have this frequent ineffectual desire for stool present we always think of Nux vomica first, and give it unless other symptoms Contra-indicate it....

Boericke > Ailanth
... the blood, causing Conditions we meet with in low fevers, low types of eruptive diseases, diphtheria, Follicular tonsillitis, StreptoCoccus infection. Hemorrhagic diathesis, etc. The skin appears livid or purplish;face dark as mahogany, hot; sordes; throat swollen, purple, livid; semi-Conscious, delirious; weak pulse, general torpor and prostration. Symptoms remarkably alike to malignant scarlatina. Diarrhoea, dysentery and Great weakness are very marked Adynamia characterizes all its Conditions. Lividity, stupor and malignancy. MuCous membranes hemorrhagic and ulcerat...

Boericke > Artemisiae
A remedy for hay-fever, Lachrymation and Intolerable itching eye-lids. Some forms of whooping-Cough. Respiratory tract in its entire length stopped up. Many forms of diarrhea, especially during summer months, also dysentery.

Boericke > >Remedy shown to professionals only
Has been used with marked success in the treatment of Syphilis following Mercury; also, in elephantiasis, leprosy, and acute dysentery. Pneumonic phthisis. Tuberculosis.

Boericke > >Remedy shown to professionals only
...nd infantum; entero-Colitis, diarrhoea, and dysentery. Gastro-intestinal disturbances of influenza and typhoid. Uraemic Convulsions, headache, vertigo and unConscious Conditions resulting from brain ?ìdema. Nephritis of pregnancy. Convulsions preceded by gastro-intestinal symptoms. Chlorosis. Bronchial asthma and with emphysema. Purulent endocarditis (Royal). Painful neuroses, enteroptosis. Delirium and tremor Cordis....

Boericke > >Remedy shown to professionals only
...tidote to bites of sCorpions and serpents ( Golondrina.) C...

Boericke > Red Acarus Of The Fly
Has a specific place in the treatment of dysentery. Symptoms Are worse by food and drink.

Boericke > Mother Wort
Influences pelvic organs, allays spasm and nervous irritability, promotes secretion and reduces febrile excitement. Valuable in suppressed menses and LOCHIA; dysentery; vomiting, frightful pains in abdomen, violent thirst. Tongue dry and cracked.

Boericke > >Remedy shown to professionals only
Dysentery; typhoid, keeps intestines aseptic and prevents absorption and reinfection.

T.F. Allen > Alstonia Scholaris
Dysentery, (Col. D. l'Haste.)

Boger > Pleurisy-root
Stools smell like rotten eggs, or burn like fire Dysentery

Boger > >Remedy shown to professionals only
Diarrhoea; dysenteric; typhoid

Boger > Zea Maise
Dysentery; after diarrhoea

Boger > Capsicum
Small, hot, muCous stools, with tenesmus, also of bladder; then thirst and lumbar pain; worse drinking Dysentery

Boger > Ipeca

Boger > Colocynth
Yellow, frothy, watery, shreddy, sourish or gelatinous stools; with Colic and gas Dysentery

Boger > Merc Cor

Boger > Colchicum Automnale
MuCous Colitis; after dysentery

Boger > American Pokeweed

Boger > Aconit Napel

Boger > Rhus Toxicodedron
SKIN; stiff; thick; dry; hot; itching; burning; worse warmth; painful to Cold air Fine VESICULAR, crusty, eczematous, moist or ERYSIPELATOUS ERUPTIONS, worse genitals; alternating with dysentery

Boger > Phosph

Hahnemann > Conium Mac
A patient under treatment by C. for a mammary scirrhus, had a chill in the street; got this and S. 428 and died with dysentery.

Hahnemann > Arsenic Alb
Dysenteric Colic in the umbilical region.

Hahnemann > Arsenic Alb
Tenesmus, as in dysentery; a Constant burning, with pain and straining in the rectum and anus.

Hahnemann > Arsenic Alb

Hahnemann > Barium Carbonicum Baryta Carb
Frequent urging to stool, with painful aching in the lumbar region, and shivers passing over the head and the legs, as in dysentery; then a soft stool with brief intermissions, with Constant pains in the loins with renewed tenesmus.

Hahnemann > Carbo-v
...Formerly charCoal was Considered by physicians as non-medicinal and powerless. Empiricism only added it in its most highly Composite powders, for epilepsy, the charCoal of the linden tree, without being able to adduce any proof of the efficacy of this particular substance. Only in recent times, since LOWITZ, in St. Petersburg, disCovered the chemical properties of wood charCoal, especially its power of removing from putrid and mouldy substances their bad odor, and of preserving fluids from fetid smell, physicians began to use it externally (iatro-chemically). They advised rinsing the mouth of fetid odor with powdered charCoal, and Covered old putrid ulcers with the sam...

Hahnemann > Carbo-v no cure. The charCoal powder taken in autumnal dysenter...

Hahnemann > Carbo-v
it was no cure. The charCoal powder taken in autumnal dysentery only chemically removed the fetor of the stools for a short time, but the disease remained and the nauseous smell of the stools quickly returned.

Hahnemann > Colocynth

Hahnemann > >Remedy shown to professionals only
Fatal dysentery.

Kent Lectures > Mercurius Sulphuratus Ruber
Dysentery, worse every night; bloody muCous stools; much straining. Diarrhoea, with greenish stools, worse at night. Protrusion of anus during stool.

Kent Lectures > Aconit Napel
... may be a catarrhal Condition of the lower portion of the Colon, or a catarrhal Condition of the rectum, when we will ...

Kent Lectures > Aconit Napel
In dysentery, that which is found in the Commode is almost pure blood, blood and a little slime. It seems impossible for him to leave the Commode.

Kent Lectures > Aloes
Pains about the navel that shoot down towards the rectum, cutting like knives. Dysenteric and diarrheic troubles. In the attacks of diarrhea there is gushing of thin, yellow, offensive, exCoriating feces, which burn like fire, and the anus is sore.

Kent Lectures > Aloes, inflammatory Condition of the rectum and lower portion of the Colon; bloody discharges and yellow, j...

Kent Lectures > Antim Crud
It is a diarrhea ending in dysentery; inflammation of the rectum and Colon, with suffering, much tenesmus, prolonged efforts and great exhaustion.

Kent Lectures > Apisinum
The anus protrudes with stool and seems to remain open, an open anus like Phosph, and Puls Chronic diarrhea dysentery, haemorrhage from the bowels.

Kent Lectures > Arg Nit
...Another feature in Connection with the diarrhea and dysentery is that casts are passed with the stool, like diphtheritic membrane or deposit; casts like the rectum, strings of membrane, Come with the stool. Stools of green, ...

Kent Lectures > Arsenicum Iodide
...Very troublesome Constipation; diarrhoea alternating with Constipation; stool hard, knotty and light Colored. The diarrhoea Comes in the morning and after eating; in old people, exCoriating stool. Dysentery with bloody muCous stools and tenesmus; diarrhoea wi...

Kent Lectures > Arsenic Alb
Dysentery is likely to Come on, with involuntary passages of urine and faeces, one or both, with haemorrhage from the bowels and bloody urine.

Kent Lectures > Arsenic Alb
...s though there were Coals of fire in the rectum; burning it! the bowels, burning all the way through. The pain in the abdomen is better from the application of hot things. The tympanitic Condition is extreme....

Kent Lectures > Arsenic Alb
...senic in the summer Complaints of young babies, for dysentery and cholera infantum. It has so many little symptoms that are so Common to these Complaints. that if you do not look ou...

Kent Lectures > Arsenic Alb
This medicine is full of diarrhea and dysenteric symptoms; in these Conditions there will be the pallor, the anxiety, the cadaveric aspect and the cadaveric odors.

Kent Lectures > Arsenic Alb
...isease, the stool beComes involuntary....

Kent Lectures > Baptisia Tinc dysentery. After Confinement the lochia stops. Great tenderness of the abdomen. All these putrid signs-breaking down of the blood, the appearance of the face, the sudden prostration, suddenly beComing stupid; and add to that the men...

Kent Lectures > Barium Muriaticum Baryta Mur
Dysentery, bloody mucus; jelly-like stools; frequent; generally painless. Much offensive flatus. Haemorrhage from rectum and from intestines.

Kent Lectures > Bryonia Alba
Bryonia cures dysentery with all the tormina and tenesmus possible to imagine, with pain in the abdomen.

Kent Lectures > Capsicum
When the chill begins there is thirst. Thirst after every dysenteric stool, a sudden carving for ice-Cold water, which causes chilliness. Craving for water before the chill and when taken it hastens the chill; it feels Cold in the stomach.

Kent Lectures > Carboneum Sulfuratum
Dysentery with bloody muCous stools. Eruptions about the anus. ExCoriations at anus and between the nates. Fistula in ano. FLATUS CoPIOUS, OFFENSIVE; While walking; ameliorates. Formication in the anus.

Kent Lectures > Carbo-v
Diarrhoea, dysentery, cholera, when there is a bloody, watery stool. Cholera infantum; stool mixed with mucus; watery mucus mixed with blood.

Kent Lectures > Chamomilla Vulgaris
...phuretted hydrogen. Copious stool; scanty stool, with dysenteric straining. Watery diarrhoea, six or eight passages daily. MuCous diarrhoea. Green, watery stool, f...

Kent Lectures > Chininum Arsenicum
...Constipation, with hard, knotty stools. Diarrhea, morning, afternoon, NIGHT, after midnight; after Cold drinks; from taking Cold; AFTER EATING; after fruit; in ho...

Kent Lectures > Coffea
...fect of Opium is to Constipate. Let several doses be given, and as the effects of the Opium wear off he may have diarrhea. Opium eaters can seldom stop because a diarrhea Comes on. If you should ever have an Opium case and diarrhea Comes on Puls will nearly always Control it. But there are individuals who reverse that. Often small doses of Opium will bring on dysentery, and if it is increased, bloody dysentery and inflammation of the bowels Come on. Of Course, one is action and the other th...

Kent Lectures > Colchicum Automnale
ameliorated from bending double. And then Comes the diarrhoea. It has just such a diarrhea as is found in low forms of fever. Dysenteric or diarrheic stools that are jelly like.

Kent Lectures > Colchicum Automnale
Fall dysentery, with discharges. of white mucus and violent tenesmus. Putrid, dark, clotted blood and mucus pass from the bowels. Diarrhoea with violent, Colicky pains. Bloody stools with scrapings from the intestines and, protrusion of anus.

Kent Lectures > Colocynth
The same symptoms acCompanying the diarrhoea and dysentery, The stools Consists of white mucus, are thick, ropy and jelly-like; at times bloody.

Kent Lectures > Colocynth
...rging to stool with Colic. Eating ever so little, rings on the Colic, urging and stool. Watery stools...

Kent Lectures > Crotulus
Dysentery of septic origin from foul water, food, etc.

Kent Lectures > Ferr Phos
... from inflammation, Constant, aggravation by pressure on stomach. Prolapsus of anus, during stool. Ineffectual urging to stool. Stool is exCoriating, bloody, brown, frequent, ha...

Kent Lectures > Gelsemium
It istrue that ACon has Complaints in hot weather, fevers and dysentery of hot weather, but they are different from the Complaints of winter.

Kent Lectures > Helleb
There is violent thirst in these fevers, and unusual canine hunger. The nausea and vomiting are nondescript. In the early part of the proving there are diarrhoea and dysentery.

Kent Lectures > Ipeca
Ipecac has proved a useful remedy in epidemic dysentery, when the patient is Compelled to sit almost Constantly upon the stool and passes a little slime, or a little bright red blood.

Kent Lectures > Ipeca
In infants, it is indicated when a cholera-like diarrhoea has been present and it ends in a dysenteric state, with Continued tenesmus, and the expulsion of a little bloody mucus, the child vomiting everything it takes into the stomach.

Kent Lectures > Kali. Bich.
...ntly there are clay Colored stools. Again there are bloody stools, as in dysentery. It has both diarrhoea and dysentery after rheumatism has disappeared. It seems rheumatic Conditions are inclined to alternate with diarrheic Conditions. In hot weather it has diar...

Kent Lectures > Lil
...e. You may get this Confused with Sulphur, because Lilium tig has great heat in the head, emptiness in the stomach, and great burning of the palms and soles. It has also a dysentery that you will hardly be able to distinguish from Merc. Cor., so marked is the tenesmus, mucus...

Kent Lectures > Lil
... marked as in Merc. Cor It is especially suited for those attacks of dysentery that Come on as an occasional chronic manif...

Kent Lectures > Lil
... attacks with every Cold in those who suffer from pelvic and abdominal relaxation, mental irritability as described, palpitation and fluttering of the heart, with nervous Constitutions. You do not see Merc. Cor in such a picture. If it were a dy...

Kent Lectures > Lil
All of these dysenteric manifestations have been left out of the Guiding Symptoms, yet I have seen them verified over and over. Again, it has a most inveterate and troublesome Constipation.

Kent Lectures > Magnesia Phos
...d it in all nervous Conditions, but its proving justifies ...

Kent Lectures > Merc Cor
great burning in the rectum. It is a violent case of dysentery. I would prefer Merc in ordinary Merc cases, but if this patient is not relieved he will not live, and Merc. Cor is needed here.

Kent Lectures > Merc. Viv
...s, of diarrhoea and Constipation. It has a well-defined dysenteric Condition. Slimy, bloody stools with much straining, he feels as if he Could never finish, even when no more ...

Kent Lectures > Merc. Viv
Merc., Ipec. and ACon. are frequently indicated in epidemic dysentery that Comes in hot weather, and Ipec., Dulc. and Merc. are frequently indicated in the dysentery of Cold weather

Kent Lectures > Merc. Viv
...It is a very simple Condition to cure, but a very bad thing to get mixed up. Do not give Arsenic just because it Conforms to the dysenteric Condition, for if it does not cure it ...

Kent Lectures > Opium
...The majority are Constipated, but in some there is dyse...

Kent Lectures > Acid Mur
...Watery stools, involuntary while urinati...

Kent Lectures > Acid Nit
The stool is bloody, putrid, undigested, green, slimy, exCoriating, sour, curdled if milk is used as a diet, black putrid blood. In dysentery. Cold changes of the weather bring on diarrhea.

Kent Lectures > Colubrina
In Constipation the more he strains the harder it is to pass a stool. In diarrhea and dysentery there is straining without relief, but as soon as he passes a little stool there is relief. In dysentery, Merc has the Constant urging.

Kent Lectures > Colubrina
drawing pains in the sacrum in Connection with dysentery. Rending pains in the bowels and every pain causes desire for stool. Such is the characteristic of all the abdominal pains.

Kent Lectures > Colubrina
Nux suffers from a disordered stomach. A stasis of the portal system is present, portal Congestion; stasis in hoemorrhoidal veins with hemorrhoids; Constipation; dysentery; paralysis of the rectum.

Kent Lectures > Phosph
...n and fainting. The Copious diarrhea is like the profuse flow of water from a hydrant. It is useful in cholera times and in cholera morbus. It is a useful medicine for chronic diarrhea with soft, thin stools. It has been a very useful remedy in cholera infantum. It has also cured dysentery with bloody mucus, scanty stools with violent tenesmus. It also cures inveterate Constipation....

Kent Lectures > Pasque Flower
...atery, green stool, Continually changing; yellow, faecal, ...

Kent Lectures > Pasque Flower
Dysentery; dysenteric stools; scanty, slimy, bloody, green, watery stool with a little spurt; next stool might be diarrheic, with quite a Copious discharge; thus you have diarrhoea and dysentery together.

Kent Lectures > Pasque Flower
"Dysenteric stools of clear yellow, red or green slime; pain in the back, straining."

Kent Lectures > Ranunc. Bulb much flatulence, Colic, burning and great soreness on p...

Kent Lectures > Rhododendron Ferrugineum
Much straining to pass a soft stool. Undigested, thin, brownish stool. Diarrhea after eating, after fruit; from Cold, wet weather, before a thunderstorm. Dysentery before a thunderstorm. Pulsating anus, drawing in anus extending to genitals.

Kent Lectures > Rhus Toxicodedron
involuntary stools with great exhaustion. It has cured cholera infantum of a low type and it is often useful in dysentery with bloody, muCous stools. Violent tenesmus.

Kent Lectures > Rhus Toxicodedron
involuntary stools. dysenteric stools.

Kent Lectures > Rhus Toxicodedron
dysenteric discharges that drive him out of bed in the morning sometimes as early as 4 o'clock.

Kent Lectures > Staphisagria
"Chronic diarrhoea or dysentery of weakly, sickly children after anger; after being punished, after emotions." (Coloc. and Cham.)

Kent Lectures > Sulf
...s bloody mucus with Constant straining. As in Mercurius he must sit long at stool because of a feeling as if he Could not finish. Such is the typical Mercurius state a slimy stool with the sensation as if he Could not finish....

Kent Lectures > Sulf
...Sulphur often cures this state after Mer...

Kent Lectures > Sulf
...Mercurius Corrosivus gives the quickest relief. If the tenesmus is less violent, and there is not much straining to urinate, or it is altogether absent, Mercurius solubilis isthe more natural remedy. These medicines run very close to Sulphur in dysentery, but are more Commonly indicated than Sulphur In Sulphur patients of Course Sulphur will be the suitable re...

Nash > Aloes is also found in Constipation. It is a curious symptom, and I would not believe it until I had seen it with my own eyes. "Solid stool passing involuntarily, passing away unnoticed." I was called to treat a child five years of age suffering from birth with a most obstinate form of Constipation. He had to be forced and ...

Kent New remedies > Orpiment
Dysentery with bloody mucus, scanty stool.

Kent New remedies > Orpiment
Tenesmus with dysentery and after a yellow mushy stool.

Nash > Bryonia Alba
...Bryonia diarrhoea is worse in the mornin...

Nash > Cantharidin
Dysenteric stools, bloody and shreddy, like scrapings from intestines, with tenesmus in rectum and bladder.

Nash > >Remedy shown to professionals only
...Now I fell to experimenting with the 200...

Nash > Colchicum Automnale
...Of Course, there are other valuable symptoms besides the one upon which we have laid such particular stress. For instance, Colchicum has two symptoms that are opposite one to the other, viz. Violent burning and icy Coldness in the stomach. These opposites are often found in the abdomen. Again, it is sometimes indicated in autumnal dysentery, the white or bloody muCous discharges having a shreddy appearance, looking as if the muCous membrane had been scraped off the intestines, with great tenesmus. Cantharis has these stools, looking like scrapings, as prominently as Colchicum, but with Cantharis the pain and tenesmus implicate the urinary organs at the same time. Colocynth also has such stools, but the doubling-up, Colicky pains distinguish it from both the others. Colchicum has great meteoritic distention of the abdomen. It is in the 200th potency a good remedy for the bloating of Cows that have eaten too much green clover. In dyspepsia, when there is Complaint of burning or sensation of Coldness in the stomach, and much gas in stomach or abdomen, or both, Colchicum is excellent, taking sometimes preference over Carbo vegetabilis, China or LyCopodium....

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Dysentry+cold 2debotri11th Sep 08

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